Compelling branding for a values-driven manufacturer of diamond machinery
With immense expertise in the making of diamond processing machineries in India, a wide range of grinding, bruting and shaping machines is designed and marketed by Nishtha Automation ensuring exquisite accuracy and steadfast performance.
A high reputation has been earned by Nishtha Automation offering productive diamond machinery thanks to their excellent quality and precision. We present herewith their case study showing our involvement in their brand building. To celebrate twenty years with further growth plans, Nishtha Automation assigned Admiracle the duty of their brand restructure for a new feel and redesigning their interactive website as well.
Admiracle has played its role as the consultant for branding & communication of Nishtha Automation by undertaking the designs of their catalogue, service workbook, PPTs and product guides too. Admiracle promoted them with print advertising in magazines too establishing a niche for their brand in the diamond machinery market.